Hello everyone! I am a miniature horse whose registered name is Prairie Farm Good Show. My new lady calls me Little Man and I came to live at Trinity Ridge Farm on April 12th. I have a big stall with nice smelling pine shavings and my new lady lets me play in the big arena before I eat in the morning and then again at night.We play something she calls Parelli Natural Horsemanship and I am learning the seven games. It is different than what I am used to but so far it is fun! Today my new lady let me play all day in the big arena. She said today was Saturday and that is a fun day for minis and for her too.
The big arena is open on one side and so I looked out at the pretty pasture with the three big trees and a little creek and some big rocks. I wondered if I was VERY good if one day I could run like the wind up and down the big hills and jump the little creek and climb on the big rocks. The rain was soft and gentle on the grass outside and I wished I could go out there too. After a while I got sleepy listening to the rain on the roof and I took a nap.
New lady opened the arena door and I rain quickly to her to see if she had a treat for me. YEAH! She did have one and then she gave me good scratches under my mane where I like it best. I am really itchy right now and all my winter hair is coming out. Sometimes new lady even kisses me. It is a little embarrassing but she is pretty nice so I let her do it anyway. She put my blue halter on and said we were going on an adventure!
She slid the door open and I followed her outside. I had been outside before and saw my new friends the pretty Arabian girls. They are Tango, Jazz and Marina. I also have a new really big friend and her name is Sissy. She is a Quarter Horse and she is the BIG boss around here. I better watch out for her! I like my new farm and my new lady but I hope my other lady is not sad or missing me. She was very nice too.
We went down the big gravel driveway and I trotted along and tried not to pull hard on my lead rope. We went past a big field that was alfalfa hay just starting to come up. The rain made it look like it was all full of sparkles. Everything was really exciting and new so sometimes I forgot not to pull on my rope. New lady did not get mad and she let me trot in circles for awhile and we played games until I could relax. Then she let me trot ahead like she was driving me and she must have been playing pony cart!
Everything was so fun but then I saw a big SCARY thing. I stopped and then I backed up. Then I bumped hard into new lady and I turned around. “I think I want to go home” I wanted to say to her. She reached down and stroked my back and told me it was okay. She said it was something called a CULVERT. “I know it looks pretty scary but we are fine.” she told me. I was still afraid and I still wanted to go home but I wanted new lady to be proud of me. I let her turn me around and I went closer to the SCARY thing. She kept her hand on my back so I felt like I should be brave. I trotted right past the SCARY culvert. WHEW was I glad when I got past it! “What a good Little Man.” she said and I felt happy. We went through the grass beside something called a cattle guard. “Good Little Man” she said again. I blew some air through my nostrils and made her laugh!
We were going to visit a lady she called my Aunt Dixie. She visited at my farm before and she is nice too. She said I am very handsome. On the way up the drive I saw some very pretty horses that ran up and down the hill. They were very excited and called to me and wanted to be my friends. They were something called Paso Fino's.
I got to play in a big round pen that was full of nice green grass while new lady and Aunt Dixie went in the house to talk. When they came back out, new lady put my halter back on and I tried to show her how pretty I am and how I can trot nice up and down and stop when I should. I already showed her how I can jump when she came to the farm and that day she took my picture.
Aunt Dixie played the seven games with me and after that we had to go home. I ran around her in circles and bucked and shook my head. I made new lady laugh again. I like to make her laugh. It was a really fun adventure and I can’t wait until it is fun Saturday again!
1 comment:
Great narration!! What a very nice "new Lady!" What a handsome little man!!
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